Custom House Agent

How it Works
A customs house agent (CHA) or customs broker is a certified expert who facilitates
customs clearance and ensures compliance for the importation and exportation of goods.
They serve as mediators between importers, exporters, and customs authorities.
Developing software tailored for custom house agents can
greatly enhance their efficiency and accuracy in handling
customs processes.
Such software could include Looking for a stress-free custom
house agent experience? Look no further than Femtosoft! Our
tailored solutions ensure that your importing and exporting
processes are a breeze.
Say goodbye to paperwork chaos and hello to seamless customs
clearance with Femtosoft by your side. Let us handle the
logistics while you focus on what truly matters - growing your
The job entry portal will have the roles and responsibilities of the officials. The pre alert copy will be received in email. All documents received in email should be collected. A job entry should be created for attaching supporting documents like country of origin, packing list, invoice etc. The supporting documents will then be assigned to EDI staff and once they the enter the details of invoice, country of origin and packing list a checklist will be generated and this checklist will be available in the EDI staff’s manager portal. The process of handling checklist is known as Checklist Management. The checklist management process involves the manager of EDI staff approving the supporting documents and the supporting documents will be sent to the EDI staff as revised documents and if the EDI staff approves the revised documents, then these documents will then be sent to the customer by EDI staff through email by configuring email. This information can also be viewed in mobile app as Job entry. Job entry will have all the details and will have information regarding which is under EDI filling, which is under customs clearing and which is cleared and the status of these could be viewed in mobile app. The customer will be able to see a button which says checklist waiting for approval. If the customer approves the checklist by clicking the approval button, then the documents will be sent to EDI staff and EDI staff will then file the documents. If there are any pending payments, the payments will have to be cleared. Payments need to be made for each job.
The problem with freight forwarding is that sales and purchase for each job is unknown. The officials are also unaware of the job they are handling. The officials are also not able to identify what job is done by whom and are also not able to track how much payment is collected. To overcome this problem the CHA process is divided into
- Fund Management
- Payment Activity
In fund management the Port Staff and EDI Staff are involved and in order to file duty an amount is requested. If the customer is willing to pay the amount, then the corresponding operational manager has to approve it. If he approves it, then this will be visible to the management, if the management approves it then this will be visible to accounts in their portal. Then the payment will then be released by the accounts. If payment is required by court or if payment is required for terminal handling charges or if payment is required for duty, the payment is made directly. If payments are done for Due collection or gate pass or secondary check, then the amount will get transferred to the corresponding staff’s account. For example, if port staff requests 3000 Rs for a job and if the customer transfers 3000 Rs then port staff will have 3000 Rs in their account. When the port staff spends all the money it has, the details can be seen in a mobile app or pocket email. For example, if the port staff has given 1500 Rs for due collection, then port staff should take snap shot of the expenditure along with the receipt and send it to the concerned personnel. This is known as actual expenditure.
A port staff can only view port staff activities, but will not be able to view all other activities in a job. Even the expenses made and payments made for any job will not be viewed by the port staff. Similarly, EDI staff will be able to view only EDI activities.
An agreement will be made with each customer and based on the agreement a tariff and quotation will be given to the customer. The tariff and quotation will include documentation charges, custom clearance charges etc. This will also include actual expenditures. In billing the job that is completed or cleared will be visible to those the job is accounted for. When the concerned official clicks on the bill, as per quotation whatever is the amount generated, that amount will be visible along with the expenditures. If somebody charges 1500 Rs or 1800 Rs for due collection and if management approves it then it will come under sales cost. Based on sales cost, bill will be produced in pdf format and this bill will be sent to the customer. Sales invoice can also be connected to the bill by linking it to the GSI portal which results in invoice getting attached to the bill. After the invoice is generated in the software, the software automatically pushes the invoice to the tally software. The bill will be generated in tally automatically without anybody having to manually generate the bill. The tally software will be integrated into our software using API. In tally customer’s account will be created and based on ledger each customer will have his details linked to him.
There is also an option to track the job to know the status. Tracking can be done by port staff and also by the client.
Our software has a feature called Document Management. Normally when a job is created, it will be documented and stored in a file physically. Suppose you want a job file from last year, it will require strenuous effort to search for that file among thousands of documents stored in files. To streamline this process, our Document Management feature offers paperless service and any document like check list, bill of entry, duty shipment etc can be retrieved by just typing the job number. All documents will be store in the server electronically.